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What's included in my livery collar?


The central piece is provided by the MHS Homes in 1998 when Medway become a unitary. Part of the chain is a copy of the 1904 chain, which was given to the Mayor of Gillingham by the ladies of Gillingham town. Because you are not allowed to spend taxpayer’s money on the regalia, it has to be presented to the Mayor or to the town.


I’m the admiral of the Great River Medway, which does come with some responsibilities. We have admiral court, where you give people fishing rights in some certain areas and to the oyster beds.


I’m also the custodian of Rochester Castle and I have in theory the right to lock people up for 28 days.


The chain has also a royal engineer symbol on it.


What people refer to as the fur, which is brown, that represents to the normal people. The black represents the legal judiciary system and the red stands for the royalty.

What do I wear?